Saturday, December 25, 2010

New blog!

I've moved to Going to Plaid @ Wordpress and changed to a photoblog! Move on up with me. (Although it's more of a lateral move. There's nothing wrong with Blogspot.)

Friday, December 24, 2010

funky butt

It's a shame when your bed still smells gassy two hours after you got out of it. I've been eating tofu chili for dinner and oatmeal for breakfast and egg salad sandwiches for lunch. (I cooked!)

I guess I'm vegetarian now. I wasn't eating red meat before and now I can't bring myself to buy chicken because I read something about broiler cages. Those chickens don't sing. Chickens in the "wild" sing, or at least there's this call-and-response thing that they do. I don't want to eat sad chickens.

Monday, December 13, 2010


I had to go out tonight, to return the sewing machine I rented. I wore a hoodie, parka, balaclava, fleece ear-headband-thingie, parka hood up and cinched around my face and ski gloves. I was toasty except for my legs, which are skinny and were inadequately protected in jeans. Jeans do not keep out the wind.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


My hairdresser had a shooting at her shop.

Shooting at Sabine's Hallway

Considering how tiny the place is, it is amazing nobody died. They really are lucky to be alive.

Friday, November 26, 2010


It's a blessing, not a curse. It's the social equivalent of DNA crossover (not DNA crossover, but something like it). It's how societies get new ideas so they don't kill each other out, because systems that work necessarily can't update because "working" by definition means stability, which leads to stagnation.

Basically, in order for everyone to exist in harmony and not ?, you need somebody to come along once in a while who thinks differently, so differently that stability has to reform around that person's ideas. And unless somebody accepts that person, they are consumed by the force of the change they bring. But the change is necessary. The question is how to keep the change, but also save the weirdo. See Nikola Tesla, Jimi Hendrix, Joan of Arc, maybe Kurt Cobain. (I don't know enough about him to know if he fits the theory.)

The weirdo has to be destroyed though, because weirdness can't become the norm. They're just a cog. They can't be normal and they can't become normal. They reset the system and then they get destroyed, unless some nonweirdo or semi-weirdo picks them and anchors them to normalcy. See Bill Gates.

What happens when weirdos collide? What if Joan of Arc and Nikola Tesla had met? It's not an accident that they exist. And it's simple who they are. They're the ones who see things differently, who don't know what to be afraid of, who worry an idea until it resolves itself. They understand whatever they understand the way people who understand music know that a dissonant chord is supposed to resolve itself, except that they are the dissonance. They don't resonate with the rest of the world.

Change is bad for the current order of things. Weirdos and misfits cause change and so the current order resists them, but they "win" because the courage of their convictions carries them and because Allah doesn't allow you to have effective true courage of conviction unless you're meant to win. (Think about that more.) We get souls and consciences. We know who we are. Sometimes we get sidetracked but it's as much a part of us as our DNA. WE ARE WHO WE ARE. We can't ever really be anyone we're not, even if we make a detour into a wrong place, the system (ourselves) rights itself because that's what it does. That what it's designed to do. Polluted places fix themselves if you just let them.

There's no reason to ever be afraid, because no matter how bad this kink in the graph may be, the approximate area under the curve, the integral or the rate of change, the derivative, is where it's supposed to be. The world's dissonance and dissonance in your life, any dissonance resolves eventually, given the chance and weirdos are dissonance, to the current order of things.

And they get sacrificed unless they can find someone who understands them because they think so differently that the world needs them, but it doesn't want them. The people don't want them. They need an anchor, a tether to the rest of the world or they are in trouble. They're the universe's version of that one girl a group of girls picks on or ostracizes or whatever so that they'll have something in common and can stand to be around each other because they need to be around each other. Weirdos are the world's glue.

How much they change things just depends on how well they master their weirdness before it destroys them. See Opera, Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Jimi Hendrix, maybe Kurt Cobain, maybe Janis Joplin.

And "How to train your dragon" is an amazing movie.

Also, the internet is not effective, because it's too big. Web 3.0 has to refocus down to a personal level. One on one, human to human, but connected, so there aren't so many people being left behind because the search for them returned 50,000,000 results.

Dear brain,
I was planning on sleeping tonight, but since you choose to schedule your own epiphanies, I'll just eat this ice cream and write manifestos instead. Whoopee.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cats are a little crazy.

I love how his tail is lashing, but he's still trying to get in the box.