Tuesday, June 1, 2010

chills and a path

I read somewhere once that to find out what you want to do in life, what will fulfill you, you should think about things you could do until something makes you burst into tears.  I'm getting chills right now, although not crying, thankfully.

I'm changing my major to Chinese, insha'Allah.  You know there are 30 million Muslims in China?  And I'm so weird already there that my lack of beauty won't matter.  I'll just be a freak on all counts.  (That is not a bad thing, necessarily.)  And I might do a minor in CS.  And, you know, I just might not.  Chinese is a critical language.  This is a GOOD thing.  I could be a tech liaison for some company or university or something.  Maybe.  We'll see.

I'm taking 6 credits of Chinese next semester, insha'Allah.

And I have to make this online work thing work. I need the extra money.


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