Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Oh and

I love my pink hair. I can't wait til Wednesday. The locks are supposed to get finished. Right now, I have a bunch of locks and 8 little braids. (I braided the remaining sections to protect them.)

AND I HAVE A LOCK BUD1!!!!!!!11111!!! ALREADY!


So Crazy It Could Work?

I have sort of a plan. It's a little insane. Maybe. It might be more than a little insane. Maybe.

It's also the only thing I've come up with that makes sense and is actually a plan and doesn't involve crying and being miserable and celibate. Well, it still involves celibacy, but maybe not permanently, which is better than anything else I've come up with.

And, yeah, this isn't vague at all. Not a bit!

And I need to learn to sew, and to focus, and patience. Not hard at all! Easy Peasy!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Always appear awesome

No one wants you for you. No one wants to know your truth or talk to you. The problem is you. Specifically, you expect too much. So, you are only what they want to see. That's it. You have no problems. You are beautiful. You are hot. You will let them think whatever they want. You are fulfilled by stupid, sad, miserable, unsatisfying, idiot encounters. Just lie. That's all there is too it.

And never forget the deal and f*** one of them. And never get the idea that you are anything special. And forget the idea of being valuable. You are not valuable. That's it.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Still f***ed and not willing to fix it.

So, if I want "friends", I'm pretty sure what I have to do is gain 80 lbs (at least) and stop washing. It's going to be a lonely road.

Back to work. :)


PS I cornrowed my pink hair.  I loooove, looooove, looooove it.  LOOOOOVE.  Also, I made up my mind: I am not hanging out with anybody else (iA) because I heard something was going down and assumed they were going to just welcome people.  I'm pretty sure it is me, but I can't do that.  That gets me treated like sh*t.  So, I'm done with that.  You want me to hang out with you, you can extend me an explicit invitation. Or I can do other stuff. Yeah. Back to work for real, lots of writing to do today.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Same song, way too long.

I've been listening to this nonstop for a couple of days now:

Sunburn - Owl City

I love finding new music that I like. :)