Friday, July 2, 2010

Still f***ed and not willing to fix it.

So, if I want "friends", I'm pretty sure what I have to do is gain 80 lbs (at least) and stop washing. It's going to be a lonely road.

Back to work. :)


PS I cornrowed my pink hair.  I loooove, looooove, looooove it.  LOOOOOVE.  Also, I made up my mind: I am not hanging out with anybody else (iA) because I heard something was going down and assumed they were going to just welcome people.  I'm pretty sure it is me, but I can't do that.  That gets me treated like sh*t.  So, I'm done with that.  You want me to hang out with you, you can extend me an explicit invitation. Or I can do other stuff. Yeah. Back to work for real, lots of writing to do today.

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