Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Experiment

I don't have an identity. Interests, yes, but they're widespread and not concrete. And I have huge baggage. I need to interact with the world as someone else for a while, because who I am doesn't want to interact with anybody.

So I'm going to create a number of characters from aspects of my personality and be them. They'll have elaborate backstories and names: "Call me Desi. It's my middle name."

First up: Desi - yoga-practicing, om-saying, spiritual crunchy granola vegan, poi-spinning hippie chick.

Desi is going to see Alice Walker talk this weekend. Desi doesn't have an uptight bone in her body because she believes that the universe will even out all things or some such. (I haven't learned my Yogic philosophy yet.)


Tuesday, September 28, 2010


is an iconic movie because it's entirely character-driven. Ripley has no sexy clothes, no motorcycle, no flashy product-placed car, nothing. What drives the movie is the fact that she is a major badass. That and nothing else. It's really a feminist movie. The women in it (and the men too) are gritty and human. They're not beautiful. They don't resemble fashion models out for a career detour as marines. They look like marines. They sell the movie.

And it works.

Its cool. Also, apparently I have good taste in men. The character I liked isn't overwhelmingly cute to me anymore, but I can see why I was into him - 15 years ago. Not that it matters.


Yes: Spinal Cord Dress by D Squared

No: Goat Fur Skirt by Brazeau

You know what?

Fuck* Twilight and all the other "OMG!" couples on television. House and Cuddy win hands down, most awesome love story ever. She's mature and grown and knows what she wants and he's what (smart) women (who know what they want) want. I'm so looking forward to this season of the show, despite the inevitable cliffhanger feel of every episode as you wonder if she'll start to be like other women and take his s*** or if he'll continue to be himself and try to sabotage his own impending happiness.

So epic.

*Sorry Mom, that one needs to be left uncensored.

Monday, September 27, 2010

I called my mom

'cause I was still sick. She said "Do you have any vinegar?" I said "yeah", expecting some old wives' tale miracle cure. Then she said, "Put some in some water. It should have some kinda acid."

That's right along the lines of those people (like my granddad) who use motor oil as a medicine.


I love you, Mom. :D

I'm still sick


I missed work today. Again. $^^##%# disease-mongers.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Vampire Knits

I'm barfing now.

It gets worse.

Paw Warmers??


It's been amazing outside

all weekend. And I'm sick. And stuck not going anywhere. *sigh* At least I went and sat on the porch. It's body temperature out there. I love it.

A turtle.

Friday, September 24, 2010

and stuff.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

and turtles

I could end the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan

with this gas. Both sides would be so demoralized they would just want to get home and hug a non-farty loved one.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

back to it

I went home early today. It was 90 degrees out and I was getting chills. I'm trying to head it off with orange juice. The goal is to drink half a gallon between now and tomorrow before work.

I got a guitar practice in. I really think I can learn my chorus songs if I play my parts on guitar. It should be cool and fun to try. My left-hand fingers (fret fingers) feel like they've been sliced up the ends though, from the chords.

I found the coat I want for winter. Tis darling. Now I just need to pay people off and save up for it before it sells out.
and rectangles

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mixed bag

Chuck's back! Castle's back! Yay for trash television.

I exfoliated a little overzealously yesterday. I have pumice burns on my elbows. My elbows don't have black marks on them anymore though. I took a bath and when I got out, I was horribly itchy. I think I reacted to too much soap in the water (for bubbles). So instead of scratching the crap out of myself I pumiced.

My feet are always cold and when I put them in bathwater, they turn bright red and feel like they're about to boil, even though the water isn't hot.

Off to Home Depot. I have to get a heater. I went to Target already and got envelopes, among other things. Now I can mail stuff.
and circles

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Yesterday was the first cold day this year.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010


2 things:

1. Have you ever seen anybody with an ipod bopping? I haven't.

2. Lady Gaga is not particularly pretty and has a weird (not bad, just deep and a little odd) singing voice. But she has attitude. Also, Alejandro sounds a LOT like Ace of Base's Don't Turn Around.

Note: The video for Alejandro is not for the faint of heart. (You know who you are. :) ) You've been warned.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

early morning

I woke up at 5:40 this morning. Now all I have to do is actually get up and start doing things when I wake up.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Victoria's Secret bras

I have a bra from VS. Yesterday I wore it because the single pair of black underwear I have was clean and I wanted to match. (TMI, I know. ;) ) Here's the thing about VS bras though:

  1. They jack your breasts up, just like a car jack. Even the unpadded t-shirt bras do this. If you get a padded one, forget it, you'd better be very prepared to walk around with your chest mere inches from your hairline for the rest of the day.
  2. They don't really support very well. Be prepared to MOVE. I like my bras solid, like my Enell, which is amazing and which I'm recommending for anybody, any size who does high-impact exercise. With a VS bra, don't even dream of running unless you don't mind crossing your arms over your chest before you get your hustle on. Even walking isn't all that pleasant. There's a reason VS models are pictured sprawled catlike on beds, couches, ottomans and the beach. When's the last time you saw a truly comfortable cat do anything more strenuous than yawn?
  3. They are sexy. So, conclusion, if you got a man, wear VS, at night, in bed, whatever. But don't even believe their claims about all-day bras, yadda ya. Actually, come to think of it, they market entirely based on sexy. I may never have seen a VS ad that mentioned anything practical except for comfort and they are not uncomfortable. Wear an Enell in the daytime and VS at night. Perfect!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

There's only one problem with Google Instant

It's not. I type faster than it "thinks". It's actually a little disconcerting, and kind of annoying. This is pretty much exactly it. Google Assault, ahahah.

Sept 11

was yesterday. I'm not really sorry I didn't go. I thought about it, a lot, but it would have meant spending money I don't have to go stand and watch stupid people protest. Protesting might be the single dumbest way that a human being can use his or her time. Both sides would have been better off bringing hammers and building some f****** houses for the homeless or something. Idiots. They should've all synchronized their watches to the Saudi clock before they started protesting. Why hasn't the U.S. press reported on this?

I'ma go work before I start getting pissed off again.

I would have liked to get pics for my sister. But honestly, I don't think she would have cared all that much.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Watch "America The Beautiful" on Netflix

America The Beautiful

It was surprisingly good. Watch it for the douche talking about his success with women (and wonder what stupid broads actually go for him) and watch it for Eve Ensler talking about the Kenyan woman. Watch it!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I wrote a program!

It's Ruby and it works.

haha :D

Also, yesterday I started the Couch 2 5K - barefoot! (Somebody took my shoes and I didn't feel like waiting til I got new.) I was actually pretty good.