Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm a bad invalid

I have to spend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday icing the dumb ankle.  I forgot yesterday that it was hurt and tried to jump up and touch the ceiling and hurt it again.  Then I walked a half-mile home and hurt it some more.  Whee.  On the positive side though, I'll have time to finish my video hopefully and get that project done with and sent off for approval.

Also, next week is DC Yoga Week.  My goal is to take 14 classes for $5 or free, one at each of the participating studios.  That's two classes per day.  We'll see if it works.  The ultimate goal of that is to find a studio that I can practice at for the next 2 months.  I'm going to try either 6 studios in one year, 2 months each, or 1 studio for one year.  We'll see!

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