Friday, May 14, 2010

You know what?

A guy in whose presence I feel comfortable being smart is sexier than all the rock-hard abs in the world.
A guy with rock-hard abs, who is taller than me (or the same height, that's also hot) and cute to me, and in whose presence I feel comfortable being smart, is Kryptonite.

A guy who wants me for my body (or my theoretical subservience or my theoretical childbearing ability or the fact that he feels old and I'm young relative to him (stop looking at my profiles all you 45-year olds, there are 40-year old women out there who want you) or some other thing I represent to him) and doesn't care about anything else is not worth a microsecond of my time.  NOT A MICROSECOND.  GRRRRRRRRR.

Obviously, I'm not getting much work done today.  Must change that.  Must focus.  FOCUS.  Hrrrrrgggghghhh.

Off to get s*** done. (Hi Mom).

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