Friday, May 14, 2010

Story READ!

My brother is an amazing writer.  He's been wanting me to finish his story for a while now and yesterday I emailed him and told him I would FINISH it last night.  And I did.

It's the first thing I've completed well and on deadline in a while.  It feels good.  I'm going to try to continue the trend, keep it going, all that jazz.

Next task: Finish Project Zombie.  And next, finish my website, or at least get it to where it looks decent and the bits I need are in place and migrate this blog.  And then, next up, add the bells and whistles.

I also have two letters to write and one book to finish today and another to start today.  Ooh, and I have food because I went shopping yesterday.

I saw a woman at the supermarket with really nice blond sisterlocks and she said the color makes them stiffer than when they're uncolored, but it doesn't make them horrible or mess them up and she had had her hair several different colors over a couple of years.  I feel very reassured.  I WANT PINK HAIR!  I cannot wait! Yeeeeeaaaah!

Time to get a move on.

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