Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Stuff I have to finish (FINISH) in the next 2 weeks:

0. Websites (2, but if only the more important one gets done we'll call that success.)
1. Project Zombie
2. Reading and Editing Zain's Project
3. Writing out and copying M's Present.
4. Budgeting for the rest of the year
5. Coming up with some regular schedule for the rest of the year.


I'm 29.  I was going to take my age off my facebook profile because people always think I'm much younger and then don't know how to react when they find out I'm not 19, but I didn't, cause if I do, it means it's not okay to be 29.  And I'm 29. :)  My niece is 29-29+5 days. :D

I'm getting my hair dyed too.  I have decided, iA.  If I'm going to be judged no matter what, and I am, I might as well be judged for something that makes me happy.  And waist-length pink locks would make me happy, I think.

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